Traditional & Alternative Systems Of Medicines

1. Traditional chinese medicine and kampoh system

    In this ancient system finds its reference in the yellow emperor classic of internal medicine ( Huang di nei jing)whic is believed to be prepared between 200BC and 100 AD.The hypothesis includes two quite different systems the yin and yang theory and the five elements (i.e water,earth, fire wood)The two theories have been developed sepratately and differ in terms of diagnosis and treatment.The yin and yang theorysays that everythimg in the universe consists of a dark(yin)and the left side( yang).
      The important herbs from this system are Ephedra sinica, Rheum palmatum, carthamus tintorious, Clerodendon trichotmum, panax gingeng, schisandra, chinensis, schizonepta tenuifolia, agastache rugosa etc...

Traditional chinese medicine and kampoh system

    The traditional chinese system of medicine has spread to japan and Korea in a form called kampoh, called as the traditional system of japanese medicine. Although, it has developed its own characters,giving due importance to the japanese style of simplicity and naturalness, still the basic ideas like yin and yang have a crucial role in kampoh medicine.As Compared to kampoh, Korean system is very much similar to chinese system and includes most of the herbs in it.

2. Ayurveda-indian system of medicine:
        It is one of the most noted system of medicine in the  world. Ayurveda is based on the hypothesis that everything in the universe is composed of the five elements viz. space, air , energy, liqiud and solid. vata, pitta, kapha together are called tridosha(three pillars).It is the five characters of medicinal herbs viz, rasa, guna, virya, vipak and prabava can be appiled,to treat various pathological conditions. 
        Mostly all of them are polyherbal formulations. some important herbs in ayurveda are Rauwolfia serpentina, Asparagus racemosus, cassia angustifolia,  sesamum indicum, holrrhena antidysenterica, withania somnifera, piper longum etc.. 

3. Unani system of medicine:

      The well known Greek philosopher Hippocrates who is credited with it. Aristotle golen (384BC-322BC)Greek philosopher - Father of natural history made valuable contribtion to it.The system is based on two theories viz,the hippocratic theory of four humours and pythagorian theory of four proximate qualities. The for humours are blood, phelgm, yellow, bile and black bile while the four qualities are the states of living human body like hot, cold, moist, and dry. they are represented as earth, water, air and fire.

Unani medicines: 

      Madar, fufal, gilo, kababchini, karanj, kulthi, lodh, qust, sana, tagar, zeera, siyah.

4. Homeopathic system of medicine:

   Homeopathy is a newer one which is developed by the samuel Hahnemann in eighteenth century. He is a german physician and chemist. He complied all these observations in what is called 'The organon of medicine'.
In homeopathic medicine are catagorised by various sources there are vegetable drugs, animal drugs, mineral and metals.
    Vegetable drugs:    Belladonna, marigold, chamomile, colchicum, hemlock, opium, ergot, thuja, aconite, nux vomica.

    Animal drugs : Honeybees, calcium carbonate, cantharis.

    Minerals and metals : Arsenic oxide, Barium carbonate, calcium phosphate, kalashia ,mercuric choride, antimony tartrate, sulphur, copper, aluminium, phosphorus, platinum.

5. Siddha system of medicine:

    The term 'siddha' means achievement and siddhars were saintly personalities, who attained proficiency in medicine through practice of bhakthi and yoga. According to the traditional belief lord shiva unfolded the knowledge of medicine to his wife parvathi which was then passed to siddhars. This is the system of pre-vedic period identified with dravidian culture and it is largely therapeutic in nature.

    A few natural drugs used in siddha system of medicine are:                       
  • Abini(papaver somniferum)
  • Alari(nerium indicum)
  • Ethi(Strychnos nuxvomica)
  • Gomathai(Datura metal)
  • Haikalli(Euphoribia nerifolia)
  • Ratha polam(Aloe barbadensis)

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