Alkaloids - Belladonna Herb

 Belladonna Herb

Belladonna Herb
Belladonna Herb
    Belladonna leaf, belladonna follium.

Biological source: 
    Belladonna herb consist of dried leaves or the leaves and other aerial parts of atropa belladonna.

Family : Solanaceae.

Geographical source:

    India is indigenous to and cultivated in England and other European found in Simla to Kashmir ,Himachal pradesh.

Cultivation and collection: 
    1.cultivation of belladonna at altitude 1400 m.

    2. Belladonna berries are crushed to get the seeds for cultivation. proper processing like washing and seiving is performed. only healthy seeds are used for cultivation.

    3.Seeds sown by broadcasting methods in well prepared beds with the application of fungicide.

    4.Sowing is done in may and July.

    5.The seedling are ready for transplantation by the end of September.

    6.Transplanting is done by keeping certain distance b/w two plants and seedlings is irrigated carefully.

Macroscopic character:
       Colors - green to brown
       Odour- slight and characteristic 
       Shape - berries ,sub globular in shape.

Chemical constituents: 
      3.Hyoscine (scopolamine)

Uses : 
    1. Parasympatholytic drug with anticholinergic properties.
    2. Used as antidote in opium and chloral hydrate poisoning.

Dose : 0.6 to 0.1 ml in the form of belladonna tinture - 4 times a day.

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