Alkaloids - Vinca

Alkaloids - Vinca


Synonyms : catharanthus, periwinkle.

Biological source: It is the dried whole plant of catharanthus roseus, belonging to family is also known as vinca rosea.

Geographical source: probably indigenous to is cultivated in South Africa, India, USA, Europe, Australia.

Cultivation and collection:
     1.Vinca grows all over India upto 500 meters .
   2.For collection of roots ,field is profusely irrigated and roots are dug out by ploughing, which are further washed ,dried in shades and packed in bales.
    3.The seeds are collected from matured fruits for next propagation. The yield of dried roots, stemsand leaves per hectare in irrigated land is 1-5,1,3 tones respectively.

Macroscopic characters :
 1.The leaves are green, roots are pale grey, flowers are violet pink-white or carmine- red in colour.
 2.Odour : odour is characteristic and taste is bitter.
 3.Vinca is an erect, pubescent herb, with branched taproot.

Microscopic character :
 1.Upper surface shows presence of single layer of rectangular called epidermis with unicellular covering trichomes.
 2.Palishades is made up of single layer beneath upper epidermis and contains compact elongated cells.
 3.Spongy parenchyma is 5-8 layered with is 5-8 layered with intercellular spaces.

Chemical constituents: 

1.Antineoplastic agents.
2.Exhibits Antidiabetic actions.
3.Exhibits hypotensive.. 

 Vincristine sulphate: maximum 2 mg.

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 Alkaloids :
>>  1. Vinca    2.Rauwolfia    3.Opium   4. Belladonna

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