Alkaloids - Rauwolfia

Alkaloids - Rauwolfia


   Rauwolfia root, serpentina root, chhotachand, sarpgandha. 

Biological source: 
   Rauwolfia consists of dried roots of the plant known Rauwolfia serpentina benth, family apocynaceae. 

Geograpical source: 
   Several species of Rauwolfia are found in Asia, americaand Africa, and mostly cultivated in tamilnafu, Punjab, west Bengal etc.. 

Cultivation and collection: 
   Under wide range of climate conditions rauwolfia grows luxuriantly. 
   In can be propagated by various methods, such as seeds, roots, cutting, root stumps, etc.. 

Macroscopic character:
   Colour : root bark is greyish yellow to brown and wood, pale yellow. 
   Odour : odourless 
   Taste  : Bitter
   Size    : about 10 to 18 cm long 
   Shape: roots are sub cylindrical, slightly tapering and tortuous. 

Microscopic character:
   The cork is made up of stratified cells followed by phelloderm of few rows of parenchyma pholem narrow. 
   Secondary pholem contains calcium oxalate crystals. 
   Xylem vessels are elongated up to 350 mu in length and contain simple. 

Chemical constituents:
   2. Rescinnamine

    1.Act as a antihypertensive 
    2.Syrosingopine shows peripheral effects similar to reserpine. It had less sedative action. 

      Rauwolfia root: 100 to 150 mg ( oral twice daily)

 Alkaloids :
>>  1. Vinca    2.Rauwolfia    3.Opium   4. Belladonna

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